The new enforcement of the Do Not Call laws may help consumers but they impose a serious burden on telephone companies that now are tasked with ensuring that text messages and calls don't reach people on the list. They also will be responsible for allowing through calls to the Do Call list, which consumers can actively sign up for to receive information from, say, their credit card company that they might actually be interested in.
- Noah Seelam/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images
- The new enforcement of the Do Not Call laws may help consumers but they impose a serious burden on telephone companies.
As the story noted, that process requires operators to install new hardware and software and conduct training, according to the Cellular Operators Association of India, which predicted that the industry will need to spend at least $100 million to get it right.
Not surprisingly, some have spotted a business opportunity in the new regime.
A telemarketer can generate an average of 5,000 to 7,000 calls in peak hours, and easily send up to 300 text messages per second. From next month, telephone companies will have to check all incoming calls and text messages against the numbers listed on the Do Not Call and Do Call registries so the call can be routed or blocked as needed.
Companies like SMS GupShup, a start-up that offers group messaging services, and mCarbon, which offers content for mobile phones like music and city information, have developed products that operators and telemarketers can [...]
Thanks, Admin,
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